Coastal Cruisin

Videos and shots of Action Sports and much more

Veer Left

Veer left is an edit that involves searching for solitude and finding it.
Chance Whalen, Devon Arscott, Chris Williams, Garrett Georgakas and Teddy Miller
Filmed and Edited by Perry Gershkow
Song. Major Tom by Shiny Toy Guns

Sunrise up in the Mountains

Sunrise up in the Mountains

Surfing Somewhere Part 3.

This is the third trailer to the film Surfing Somewhere by Coastal Cruisin Productions, featuring Nok on Wood team riders Garrett Georgakas and Chris Williams. The trailer takes place somewhere in California.

Surfing Somewhere Part 2.

This is the second trailer to my film Surfing Somewhere, a Film which follows the Nok on Wood team riders around California.

Surfing Somewhere Trailer

A Trailer I put together for a film called Surfing Somewhere, a film about Surfing uncharted areas in California with the Nok on Wood Team riders.


This is a compilation of my edits throughout the year of 2012. It includes Sport Sailing, Skateboarding from the US Open of Surfing, Skateboarding from the Santa Monica Make a Wish Skate Jam contest, Skateboard sessions in Santa Cruz and Ground launching in Pacifica.

Nok On Wood Promo # 2

Some more great footage of Skating for Nok on Wood

Nok On Wood Promo Edit

An Edit I put together for a really great company called Nok on Wood, check it out…

Contest off, find a new spot…

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Skate Sailing

An Edit I put together involving Two Friends, One Skateboard, a Skate Sail and a Glorious Day. Featuring Russell Bondi and Tom Cascino. I filmed this with a Canon 7d and a GoPro.

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